Colloid Degeneration of the Skin. Presented by Dr. Joseph Goodman, Boston. M. R., an Irish housewife aged 62, presented a lesion of the forehead of four months' duration. At the onset there was a small reddish papule. This gradually increased in size, and similar lesions formed at its periphery. On the left side of the forehead, there is an area 2.5 cm. in diameter consisting of yellowish translucent nodules 2 to 3 mm. in diameter surrounded by flat yellowish macules which are 1 mm. in diameter. The results of the examination of the blood and the urine were within normal limits. The Kahn and Hinton reactions of the blood were negative. Histologic sections confirmed the diagnosis of colloidal degeneration of the skin. DISCUSSION Dr. Walter F. Lever: The slide showed considerable degeneration of the collagen and elastic fibers. They were matted together into a structureless mass. I think the