On the use of marine radar imagery for estimation of properties of the directional spectrum of the sea surface

The “sea clutter” observable on a standard marine navigation radar has long been recognized as a potential source of information about sea state. In the last decade a number of researchers have published “directional wave spectra” calculated from marine radar images. Our group has continued this line of research using a unique radar system that digitizes and stores radar images eight bits deep directly related to the strength of the radar backscatter. Our system was deployed on the CSS Hudson during the Grand Banks ERS‐1 SAR Wave Spectrum Validation Experiment cruise in November 1991. We collected in excess of 3000 sea surface backscatter images. From this dataset we have produced a number of directional spectra in an effort to understand the performance of the sensor and to compare it with other wave determining instruments and models. Analysis has shown a strong azimuthal asymmetry both in the strength of the backscattered signal and in the relative strength of spectral peaks. This asymmetry is similar inform to that observed in scatterometer data. Unbiased estimation of the “true” image spectrum requires removal of these asymmetries. This estimation has been accomplished through calculation and removal of a non‐linear multi‐parameter least‐squares model of the backscatter from each image, and averaging of spectra from many look directions. The resulting spectra compare favourably with those calculated from directional wave buoy data, satellite and aircraft SARs and other directional wave measurements and models.