The structural and dynamical elements of the Lorentz-Yang-Mills gauge theory of gravity are explained and analyzed. This theory is a generalized metric theory of gravity which no longer satisfies the principle of equivalence in any situation, but fits the very general framework of the Yang-Mills gauge theories used to describe the nongravitational interactions. It adds essentially gravitational self-interaction to general relativity in an amount which is not measurable in the solar system; the geometry contains stress-energy by itself; this breaks the validity of the principle of equivalence for strong gravitational fields. Static and spherically symmetric space-times dispose, in addition to the mass M of a second parameter γ which is a measure for the stress-energy content of the space-time geometry. We show that for the weak limit γ=1ε with εMR; the Schwarzschild black hole (γ=1) is therefore no longer a candidate for the final state of collapsing matter.