Obtaining the nuclear gluon distribution from heavy quark decays to lepton pairs in p$A$ collisions

We have studied how lepton pairs from decays of heavy-flavoured mesons produced in p$A$ collisions can be used to determine the modifications of the gluon distribution in the nucleus. Since heavy quark production is dominated by the $gg$ channel, the ratio of correlated lepton pair cross sections from $D\bar D$ and $B\bar B$ decays in p$A$ and pp collisions directly reflects the ratio $R_g^A \equiv f_g^A/f_g^p$. We have numerically calculated the lepton pair cross sections from these decays in pp and p$A$ collisions at SPS, RHIC and LHC energies. We find that ratio of the p$A$ to pp cross sections agrees quite well with the input $R_g^A.$ Thus, sufficiently accurate measurements could be used to determine the nuclear modification of the gluon distribution over a greater range of $x$ and $Q^2$ than presently available, putting strong constraints on models.

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