A possible role of arachidonate metabolism in the mechanism of prolactin release

The cleavage of arachidonate from pituitary phospholipids may contribute to the process that regulates the release of prolactin. To test this hypothesis, primary cultures of anterior pituitary cells from female rats were preincubated with [3H]arachidonate to label their phospholipid-containing components. The cells were then washed and incubated with vehicle or test agents and the release into the medium of prolactin and [3H]arachidonate cleaved from the phospholipids was measured. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and neurotensin significantly increased the release of both [3H]arachidonate and prolactin. Although basal [3H]arachidonate release was not affected by dopamine or somatostatin, both of these agents reduced [3H]arachidonate release induced by TRH. The relationship between calcium mobilization and arachidonate release was investigated by exposing the cells to agents that modify calcium balance. Maitotoxin, a calcium channel activator, stimulated prolactin and arachidonate release. In contrast cobalt, a calcium channel blocker, penfluridol, a calcium-binding protein inhibitor, and low-calcium medium decreased basal and TRH-induced prolactin release and diminished the TRH-induced release of arachidonate. RHC 80267, an inhibitor of diacylglycerol lipase, decreased TRH-induced prolactin and arachidonate release. BW755c, an inhibitor of the conversion of arachidonate to its metabolites, decreased TRH-induced prolactin release but predictably increased arachidonate release. These findings support the hypothesis that arachidonate metabolites may be involved in the process regulating prolactin release.