Computed tomographic scan correlates of auditory comprehension deficits in aphasia: A prospective recovery study

Lesion localization and volume as assessed on computed tomography were analyzed to determine their relationships to auditory comprehension deficits following left hemisphere ischemic stroke in 39 patients. Auditory comprehension was initially tested approximately four weeks after onset, and then monthly for five months, using the Token Test, a series of commands of increasing complexity. Computed tomographic scans obtained five months after onset were used for lesion localization and volume determination. Lesions in the posterior superior temporal and infrasyvian suprmarginal regions were strongly associated with poor outcome. Patients with initially preserved auditory comprehension tended to have lesions that spared these regions, whereas patients with persistent deficits had lesions that included these regions. Six of 8 patients who initially had severe deficits in auditory comprehension but recovered completely lacked lesions in these regions. Lesion volume except when very large or very small was not closely associated with outcome.