Magnetic correlations in disordered MncZn1−cTe alloys

The spin correlations between Mn ions in disordered MncZn1−cTe alloys (c = 0.68, 0.594, and 0.376) have been measured as a function of temperature and concentration by neutron diffraction. The scattering peaks principally around the wave vector corresponding to the (1,1/2,0) reflection, which is the ordering wave vector of the type III antiferromagnetic structure. The magnetic intensity was analyzed in terms of the correlations between a central spin and successive shells of neighbors and these were found to follow the sign sequence for the type III antiferromagnet but with progressively smaller amplitudes. At no temperature or concentration was long range order observed. However, the width of the (1,1/2,0) peak at low temperatures is consistent with a power law and the critical concentration for magnetic ordering is just outside the present concentration range.