Lithologic Controls on the Development of Solution Porosity in Carbonate Aquifers

Movement of ground water in maturely karsted limestone aquifers is commonly through solution conduits of considerable size. The object of this study was to determine the lithologic controls on the distribution of conduits within a heterogeneous sequence of carbonate rocks. The volume of all accessible caves more than 100 feet in length in the Nittany Valley area of central Pennsylvania was measured. Most caves are entirely within limestones, cave development in dolomite is extremely rare. Within the limestone sequence the bulk of the cave volume is concentrated in a few members. Chemical and petrographic analyses of the carbonate rocks were associated with cave volume by bar graphs and components analyses. The more cavernous limestones seem to be those with low amounts of dolomite, clay, and other impurities, and a high micrite grain fraction. Coarse limestones and dolomites are less cavernous.

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