Flicker (1∕f) noise in the critical current of Josephson junctions at 0.09–4.2K

We have measured the low-frequency noise in the critical current Ic of six dc superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) with resistively shunted NbNbOxPbIn Josephson junctions in the temperature range T=0.094.2K . Each device is voltage biased, the applied flux is an integer number of flux quanta, and the current fluctuations are measured with a second dc SQUID. At low frequencies f , there is a component of the power spectrum of the critical current fluctuations given approximately by SIc(f)=CIc2T2Af , where A is the area of both junctions, and C(3.9±0.4)×1023m2K2 . For quantum bits based on Josephson junctions, the scaling of SIc(f) with T2 implies that the dephasing time limited by critical current lf noise should scale as 1T for temperatures down to at least 0.09K .