An in vitro study of the anti-microbial efficacy of a 1% silver sulphadiazine and 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate cream, 1% silver sulphadiazine cream and a silver coated dressing
- 6 December 2003
- Vol. 30 (1) , 35-41
No abstract availableKeywords
This publication has 22 references indexed in Scilit:
- Burn Wound Infections: Current StatusWorld Journal of Surgery, 1998
- Toxicological Aspects of Topical Silver PharmaceuticalsCritical Reviews in Toxicology, 1996
- Current Treatment of Severely Burned PatientsAnnals of Surgery, 1996
- 7 Antimicrobial Activity and Action of SilverProgress in Medicinal Chemistry, 1994
- The challenge of burnsThe Lancet, 1994
- Current Treatment Recommendations for Topical Burn TherapyDrugs, 1990
- Topical Therapy for BurnsSurgical Clinics of North America, 1987
- Topical silver sulphadiazine: Side effects and urinary excretionBurns, 1983
- Silver Sulfadiazine—A New Topical Therapy for Pseudomonas in BurnsArchives of Surgery, 1968
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