Increased level of prolactin gene sequences in bromodeoxyuridine treated GH cells

The 5-bromodeoxyuridine-resistant (BrdUrdr) derivative (F1BGH12C1) of prolactin nonproducing (PRL-) rat pituitary tumor cell-subclone GH12C1, synthesize prolactin (PRL) in the presence of the drug. Analysis of nuclear RNA isolated from BrdUrd treated F1BHG12C1 cells demonstrated several high molecular weight RNA PRL sequences, similar to those observed in the nuclear RNA fraction of PRL producing (PRL+) GH3 cells. No such RNAPRL sequences could be detected in nuclear RNA fraction of untreated F1 BGH12C1 cells. PRL sequences in the genome of GH3 (PRL+), GH12C1 (PRL-) and F1BGH12C1 (PRL-, BrdUrdr) GH cells could be identified by blot analysis in 4.8-5.2kb fragment of restriction endonuclease, Hind III digested DNA. Both PRL+ and PRL- cells seem to have approximately the same level of PRL gene sequences in total cell DNA. However Hind III digested DNA of BrdUrd treated F1BGH12C cells revealed the presence of significantly higher levels of PRL gene sequences, in comparison, to that observed in total DNA of untreated cells. The increased level of PRL gene sequences was dependent on the period of drug treatment and a parallel increase in the cytoplasmic RNAPRL sequences was also observed.