Habit-heteroblasty is described for Chordospartium, Corallospartium, Notospartium, and most species of Carmichaelia. Transition from the juvenile to the adult occurs in the first year after seed germination and is marked by an abrupt change in stem habit and morphology and in leafiness. Carmichaelia astonii, C. monroi, C. nana, and C. williamsii pass from the juvenile to the adult without change. Leaf-heteroblasty occurs in Chordospartium, Corallospartium, and Notospartium, whereas the leaves of Carmichaelia are usually of similar shape on juvenile and adult plants. The orientation of the juvenile stems can be correlated with ecological preferences. The patterns of heteroblastic development described are not well correlated with the generic boundaries of the Carmichaelia complex.

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