Hydrometeorological features of the Mackenzie basin climate system during the 1994/95 water year: A period of record Low Discharge

The phenomena that occurred within and in the vicinity of the Mackenzie basin climate system during the 1994/95 water year are the focus of this study. This water year was characterized by a record low discharge and by a very early discharge into the Arctic Ocean. The low discharge arose because the efficiency with which the record‐low large‐scale moisture convergence over the Mackenzie basin was converted into discharge was also the lowest on record. This low efficiency occurred as a consequence of many atmospheric, surface and hydrological processes and feedbacks occurring during this period. The dry surface conditions that had developed just prior to the start of the water year were also a contributing factor. It is evident through the comprehensive examination of the overall climate system of this basin that many strongly coupled processes were occurring. Our models are able to account for some of these, but more research is needed to address a number of them.