Enumeration reducibility is a reducibility between sets of natural numbers defined as follows: A is enumeration reducible to B if there is some effective operation on enumerations which when given any enumeration of B will produce an enumeration of A. One reason for interest in this reducibility is that it presents us with a natural reducibility between partial functions whose degree structure can be seen to extend the structure of the Turing degrees of unsolvability. In [7] Friedberg and Rogers gave a precise definition of enumeration reducibility, and in [12] Rogers presented a theorem of Medvedev [10] on the existence of what Case [1] was to call quasi-minimal degrees. Myhill [11] also defined this reducibility and proved that the class of quasi-minimal degrees is of second category in the usual topology. As Gutteridge [8] has shown that there are no minimal enumeration degrees (see Cooper [3]), the quasi-minimal degrees are very much of interest in the study of the structure of the enumeration degrees. In this paper we define a jump operator on the enumeration degrees which was introduced by Cooper [4], and show that every complete enumeration degree is the jump of a quasi-minimal degree. We also extend the notion of a high Turing degree to the enumeration degrees and construct a “high” quasi-minimal enumeration degree—a result which contrasts with Cooper's result in [2] that a high Turing degree cannot be minimal. Finally, we use the Sacks' Jump Theorem to characterise the jumps of the co-r.e. enumeration degrees.

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