Introduction This paper reports a series of observations made during the past 2 years in patients with aniridia. This condition is familial, and the transmission is dominant by an autosomal gene. It demonstrates high penetrance and variable expression. Visual acuity was less than 20/100 in 86% of aniridic eyes, as tabulated from the literature1,2 plus my own few cases (Fig. 1). Aniridia, therefore, represents an important medical and surgical problem to the ophthalmologist and a social challenge to the community. Aniridia is characterized by reduction of the iris, and in the complete case the iris rudiment is visible only when the anterior chamber angle is examined with slit lamp or gonioscope. In modified cases the iris may be regionally deficient. Associated with the iris defects are persistence of pupillary membrane and of the tunica vasculosa lentis. Cataract and displacement of the lens may