Atomic transition probabilities for about 5100 spectral lines of the elements iron, cobalt, and nickel in all stages of ionization have been critically evaluated and compiled. All available literature sources have been considered. Systematic trends along isoelectronic sequences have been exploited to predict oscillator strengths (f-values) whenever no data were available in the literature. The data are presented in separate tables for each element and stage of ionization and are arranged according to multiplets and, where appropriate, also according to transition arrays and increasing quantum numbers. For each line the transition probability for spontaneous emission, the absorption oscillator strength, and the line strength are given, along with the spectroscopic designation, the wavelength, the statistical weights, and the energy levels (when available) of the upper and lower atomic states. In addition, the estimated accuracy and the literature reference are indicated. In short introductions which precede the tables for each spectrum, the main justifications for the choice of the adopted data and for the accuracy ratings are discussed. A general introduction contains additional details on the evaluation procedure.