Dennis M. Ray ws visiting professor at the burgoyne center for enterpreneruship. Brock university ontario, Canada, when this paper was written. he has extensive experience of researching enterprenuership in Asia. The venture capital market in Singapore is still in its infancy but this paper attempts to investigate the venturecaptial firm and its portfolio in taht country and examine the belife that the evaluation of venture capital proposal does not occdur in an informational or decision-making vacuum. it was found that iven the potentially significant role of venture capital in signagpore's transition to a knowledge based dveloped economyu, the venture capitalist studed offered new venture start-up in singapore a wide range of philospophies economy, the venture capitalistst studeied offered new venture stat-upspromise, however does not make reality and if these venture capital firms become caught up in the high stakes, deal making pattern of theri united states model they may do well finacially with US start up and perhaps bring a few yong companies to singapore as foreign investments would not be catalyst to local enterprenuership.

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