Summary and Conclusions: M and N sera were prepared by injecting washed human red cells of known donors into rabbits. The resulting fluids containing agglutinins against the agglutinogens M and N corresponded in every respect to those discovered and described by Landsteiner and Levine. The bloods of twenty pairs of identical twins and two pairs of fraternal twins were examined for the agglutinogens A, B, M, and N. It was found that blood grouping is one criterion for determining the non-identity of twins. The bloods of 578 individuals were tested for M and N reactions to determine the frequency of the three types M, MN, and N in the population. The relationship of m + n = 1 held closely, being 1.0173 in this study, thus offering proof for the theory that the agglutinogens M and N are inherited as a single pair of allelomorphic genes. A study was made of the heredity of the agglutinogens A, B, M, and N in 100 families with 220 children. No exceptions were found to the two rules based upon the theory that M and N are inherited as a single pair of allelomorphic genes. The data presented in this paper bear out the validity of the theory that the agglutinogens M and N are inherited as a single pair of allelomorphic genes.

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