One-Carbon Metabolism in Plants. Regulation of Tetrahydrofolate Synthesis during Germination and Seedling Development

Tetrahydrofolate (THF) is a central cofactor for one-carbon transfer reactions in all living organisms. In this study, we analyzed the expression of dihydropterin pyrophosphokinase-dihydropteroate synthase (HPPK-DHPS) in pea (Pisum sativum) organs during development, and so the capacity to synthesize dihydropteroate, an intermediate in the de novo THF biosynthetic pathway. During seedling development, all of the examined organs/tissues contain THF coenzymes, collectively termed folate, and express the HPPK-DHPS enzyme. This suggests that each organ/tissue is autonomous for the synthesis of THF. During germination, folate accumulates in cotyledons and embryos, but high amounts of HPPK-DHPS are only observed in embryos. During organ differentiation, folate is synthesized preferentially in highly dividing tissues and in photosynthetic leaves. This is associated with high levels of the HPPK-DHPS mRNA and protein, and a pool of folate 3- to 5-fold higher than in the rest of the plant. In germinating embryos and in meristematic tissues, the high capacity to synthesize and accumulate folate correlates with the general resumption of cell metabolism and the high requirement for nucleotide synthesis, major cellular processes involving folate coenzymes. The particular status of folate synthesis in leaves is related to light. Thus, when illuminated, etiolated leaves gradually accumulate the HPPK-DHPS enzyme and folate. This suggests that folate synthesis plays an important role in the transition from heterotrophic to photoautotrophic growth. Analysis of the intracellular distribution of folate in green and etiolated leaves indicates that the coenzymes accumulate mainly in the cytosol, where they can supply the high demand for methyl groups.