Monaural and binaural auditory frequency resolution measured using bandlimited noise and notched-noise masking

Several studies using bandlimited masking noise have indicated that NOSO [interaurally homophasic noise and signal] frequency resolution is better than that for NOS.pi. [interaurally homophasic noise and antiphasic signal]. NOSO and NOS.pi. frequency resolution were examined with 2 different masking mehtods: bandlimited noise and notched noise. Noise spectrum levels of 10, 30, and 50 dB/Hz were used. Thresholds were determined [in humans] for a 500-Hz signal, using a 3 alternative forced-choice adaptive procedure, as a function of masker bandwidth and notchwidth. For NOSO presentation, 3-dB down points were comparable for the notched-noise and bandlimiting methods. For NOS.pi. presentation, 3-dB down points were generally greater for the bandlimiting method than the notched noise method. For NOS.pi. presentation, the 3-dB down estimate increased as noise level increased for the bandlimiting method, but stayed constant for the notched-noise method. The two masking methods may measure different aspects of binaural processing.

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