The interaction of localized magnetic moments of a magnetic impurity with the lattice causes relaxation of the states of that localized moment. The lifetime is represented as a broadening γ of the states of the localized moment. The introduction of this broadening changes the scatering of the conduction electrons by the localized moment from an elastic scattering to an inelastic one plus negligible elastic scattering. Thus, the electron of the average excitation energy above the Fermi level εT may take part in all inelastic allowed scattering processes only if εγ, i.e., Tγ. For T<γ this number of processes is reduced, and it vanishes for T0. This effect was in fact found for the terms of the order J2 and J3 in the perturbation expansion, and the correct temperature dependence of the Kondo resistivity was obtained for J<0. The resistivity for J>0 is also discussed.