Frost Injury and Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation in Leaves of Tuber-Bearing Solanum Species

The heterogeneous ice nucleation characteristics and frost injury in supercooled leaves upon ice formation were studied in nonhardened and cold-hardened species [S. tuberosum and S. acaule] and crosses of tuber-bearing Solanum. The ice nucleation activity of the leaves was low at temperatures just below C and further decreased as a result of cold acclimation. In the absence of supercooling, the nonhardened and cold-hardened leaves tolerated extracellular freezing between and C. However, if ice initiation in the supercooled leaves occurred at any temperature < C, the leaves were lethally injured. To prevent supercooling in these leaves, various nucleants were tested for their ice nucleating ability. Aqueous suspensions of fluorophlogopite and acetoacetanilide (1%) were effective in ice nucleation of the Solanum leaves above C. They had threshold temperatures of and C, respectively, for freezing in distilled H2O. Although freezing could be initiated in the Solanum leaves above C with both the nucleants, 1% aqueous fluorophlogopite suspension showed overall higher ice nucleation activity than acetoacetanilide and was nontoxic to the leaves. The cold-hardened leaves survived between and using 1% aqueous fluorophlogopite suspension as a nucleant. The killing temperatures in the cold-hardened leaves were similar to those determined using ice as a nucleant. However, in the nonhardened leaves, use of fluorophlogopite as a nucleant resulted in lethal injury at higher temperatures than those estimated using ice as a nucleant.