Summary: Metabasic assemblages belong to the prehnite-pumpellyite and greenschist facies. The isograds pumpellyite-in, pumpellyite-out/clinozoisite-in and biotite-in have been mapped, and divide the area into four metamorphic zones. Field and petrographic evidence indicate that the metamorphic crystallization was largely syn-and immediately post-tectonic, viz. end-Silurian to Devonian. The use of published Schreinemakers' bundles indicates that most of the prehnite-pumpellyite-bearing assemblages formed at high grades within the facies and that the greenschist facies rocks crystallized in the higher pressure field. As the amount of calcite increases so diagnostic Ca–Al silicates are reduced and eventually eliminated from assemblages. Contrary to recent claims, the evidence indicates that the Gwna Group and the Gwyddel Felsitic Beds of Llŷn were metamorphosed prior to the Arenig.