Structural and functional modifications induced by diamide on the F0 sector of the mammalian ATP synthase

In this report data are presented which firmly establish that by treating isolated F0 with the thiol reagent diamide, two 25 kDa F0 subunits react to form a dimer of 45 kDa apparent molecular mass. This dimerising effect is correlated to the impairment of the binding of F1 to F0, both at μM and mM diamide concentrations. Under the latter condition, modification of other F0 subunits also occurs. Passive proton conductance through F0, as well as its sensitivity to N,N′‐dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, are affected at low diamide concentration. Thus perturbation of the cysteine residue of the 25 kDd F0 subunit is sufficient for altering the ATP synthase proton channel.