Medically Eligible Women Who Do Not Use HAART: The Importance of Abuse, Drug Use, and Race

Objectives. We investigated the prevalence and characteristics of HIV-positive women who do not report highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) use. Methods. We analyzed HAART use among 1165 HIV-positive participants in the Women’s Interagency HIV Study. Results. Between October 1, 2000, and March 31, 2001, 254 women with clinical indications for HAART reported not using it, 635 reported HAART use, and 276 had no clinical indications. In multivariate analysis, using crack/cocaine/heroin and a history of abuse decreased the likelihood of using HAART, whereas being White increased it. Conclusions. One of 4 women for whom HAART was indicated reported not using HAART. Childhood sexual abuse prevention, more intensive abuse treatment, and continuing drug treatment may enhance HIV disease treatment of women.