Assessment of Azinphosmethyl Exposure in California Peach Harvest Workers

We compared measurements of urinary alkylphoshate metabolites and oxime-induced reactivation of plasma cholinesterase (P-ChE) and erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (RBC-AChE) with measurements of foliar residues, skin and clothing contamination, and P-ChE and RBC-AChE activities among 20 Northern California peach orchard workers exposed to the organophosphate agent azinphosmethyl (Guthion®). Subjects entered orchards treated 30 d previously with azinphosmethyl and worked 21 d in treated fields during the ensuing 6 wk. Dislodgeable foliar residues ranged from 0.32–0.96 μg/cm2. Median reduction in RBC-AChE activity was 7% (p < .001) over the initial 3-d period of exposure and 19% (p < .01) over the 6-wk season. Urinary metabolites were the most sensitive indicator of recent exposure and correlated moderately with dermal and clothing levels (r s = +0.31–+0.55); urinary metabolites correlated well with RBC-AChE drawn 3 d after exposure began (r s = −0.77). No significant oxime-induced reactivation was found.

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