ReAS: Recovery of Ancestral Sequences for Transposable Elements from the Unassembled Reads of a Whole Genome Shotgun

We describe an algorithm, ReAS, to recover ancestral sequences for transposable elements (TEs) from the unassembled reads of a whole genome shotgun. The main assumptions are that these TEs must exist at high copy numbers across the genome and must not be so old that they are no longer recognizable in comparison to their ancestral sequences. Tested on the japonica rice genome, ReAS was able to reconstruct all of the high copy sequences in the Repbase repository of known TEs, and increase the effectiveness of RepeatMasker in identifying TEs from genome sequences. Transposable elements (TEs) are a major component of the genomes of multicellular organisms. They are parasitic creatures that invade the genome, insert multiple copies of themselves, and then die. All we see now are the decayed remnants of their ancestral sequences. Reconstruction of these ancestral sequences can bring dead TEs back to life. Algorithms for detecting TEs compare present-day sequences to a library of ancestral sequences. Unknown to many, pervasive use of whole genome shotgun (WGS) methods in large-scale sequencing have made TE reconstructions increasingly problematic. To minimize assembly errors, WGS methods must reject the highly repetitive sequences that characterize most TEs, especially the most recent TEs, which are the least diverged from their ancestral sequences (and most informative for reconstruction). This is acceptable to many, because the most important parts of the genes are not repetitive, but for the TE aficionados, it is a problem. ReAS is a novel algorithm that does TE reconstruction using only the unassembled reads of a WGS. Tested against the WGS for japonica rice, it is shown to produce a library that is superior to the manually curated Repbase database of known ancestral TEs.