Taxonomic congruence in three populations of Quebec brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill)

The degree of taxonomic congruence between 3 methods of classification is examined for 3 Quebec populations of wild brook trout, S. fontinalis, from the Matamek-Moisie watersheds. The 3 methods utilize morphometric, meristic and electrophoretic characters. Electrophoretic comparison is also made between the Quebec samples and brook trout from the Dorion Hatchery, Ontario. Using discriminant function analysis on data for the 3 Quebec populations, a subset of 9 morphometric measurements was identified with between 84.0-92.6% correct classification, and a meristic subset of 4 characters, including mandibular pores, with between 72.5-95.0% correct classification. Electrophoretic analysis has identified a number of newly defined alleles at 4 loci, from 5 tissues. The meristic and electrophoretic analyses show congruence in the order of similarity and are considered the most suitable methods for classification of the brook trout. Morphometric analysis provides an insight into localized adaptation particularly in response to habitat and resource utilization. An understanding of the taxonomic status of populations of brook trout requires not only a definition of individuals in terms of meristic and electrophoretic profiles, but also morphological characterization, to increase understanding of their ecology and response to other faunal components.