Microbiologic and Clinical Study of Acute Diarrhea in Children in Aswan, Egypt

Children with diarrhea presenting to a Government Rehydration Center in Aswan, Egypt, were investigated to determine the etiology and clinical presentation of acute childhood diarrhea in southern Egypt. Among 126 outpatients and 25 inpatients with diarrhea (mean age 18 months), enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) (17% of cases), Cryptosporidium (9%), Salmonella spp. (7%), Camphylobacter jejuni/coli (7%), and Shigella spp. (5%) were the most common enteropathogens identified during the high incidence season of July. Enteropathogens were isolated as often from inpatients as outpatients, except for Salmonella spp. and Cryptosporidium, which were recovered more often from inpatients. Salmonella infected children, in particular, were more ill, feverish, and dehydrated on presentation than other children, resulting in more frequent hospitalization. Except for Salmonella-infected children, children with acute diarrhea usually presented without severe dehydration, which may have been due to frequent initiation of oral rehydration therapy (ORT) by mothers trained by local health care providers. A potential environmental source of ETEC was identified in clay water storage containers commonly used in this area.

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