The diagnostic geochemistry, relative abundance, and spatial distribution of high-calcium, low-alkali olivine tholeiite dykes in the Lower Tertiary regional swarm of the Isle of Skye, NW Scotland

Summary: Dykes from four sections across the axis of the Skye regional swarm have been analysed for major elements, Nb, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, and rare-earth elements. 70 % of the dykes are characterized by relatively high CaO (11–12%), and low abundance of elements such as TiO2 (∼1%), K2O (0·05–0·20 %), Zr (30–60 ppm), with a light-rare-earth depleted chondrite normalized pattern. The remainder of the swarm comprises dykes equivalent in composition to the Skye Main Lava Series and dykes belonging to a further magma type distinguished by a flat chondrite normalized rare-earth pattern. The high-calcium, low-alkali tholeiite dykes are confined to a narrow persistent zone forming the major axis of dilation of the swarm; other basaltic dykes are axially less persistent and have a wider lateral distribution. The more evolved dykes tend to be restricted to central Skye.