2 Å X‐ray structure of adamalysin II complexed with a peptide phosphonate inhibitor adopting a retro‐binding mode

The search of reprolysin inhibitors offers the possibility of intervention against both matrixins and ADAMs. Here we report the crystal structure of the complex between adamalysin II, a member of the reprolysin family, and a phosphonate inhibitor modeled on an endogenous venom tripeptide. The inhibitor occupies the primed region of the cleavage site adopting a retro-binding mode. The phosphonate group ligates the zinc ion in an asymmetric bidentate mode and the adjacent Trp indole system partly fills the primary specificity subsite S1′. An adamalysin-based model of tumor necrosis factor-α-converting enzyme (TACE) reveals a smaller S1′ pocket for this enzyme.