Laparoscopic appendectomy is a safe alternative to open appendectomy to treat appendicitis. The author reports his experience in performing laparoscopic appendectomy with the use of only one trocar in pediatric patients. Between 1 January 1994 and 30 October 1995 at the Department of General and Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Surgery of the ``Federico II'' University of Naples, we performed 51 laparoscopic appendectomies. Patient age varied from 4 to 16 years with a mean age of 7 years. In the last 25 patients of our series we performed the one-trocar appendectomy, positioning only one trocar infraumbilically with the use of a 10-mm operative telescope. The appendix is identified, dissected when necessary, grasped laparoscopically with a 450-mm operative atraumatic instrument introduced through the operative channel of the laparoscope, and then exteriorized through the umbilical cannula. The appendectomy was performed using traditional method outside the abdominal cavity. We had no intra- or perioperative mortality or morbidity. The mean overall hospitalization time was 2 days (1–4 days). At a maximal follow-up of 20 months the children have no clinical problems nor any visible scar related to the laparoscopic appendectomy. In conclusion, the author considers the one-trocar appendectomy an appropriate alternative procedure to other techniques of laparoscopic appendectomy.

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