Light microscopic observations on cat Renshaw cells after intracellular staining with horseradish peroxidase. I. The axonal systems

Five intracellularly HRP‐stained Renshaw cells were subjected to light microscopic analysis of the trajectories, branching patterns, and projections of the axonal systems. The cell bodies were located ventrally in lamina VII. In three neurons the axon originated from the cell body and in the remaining two cells from a dendrite. After a 600–870‐μm distance the axons entered the ventral funiculus, where all of them continued rostrally. Two axons also gave off a caudal branch in the funiculus. The diameters of the main axons varied between 2.1 and 10.0 μm. The main axons gave off one to four first‐order collaterals before entering the ventral funiculus and up to three collaterals could be seen to originate from the same node of Ranvier. In the ventral funiculus up to five first‐order collaterals could be traced from the same main axon. The axon collateral trees were often very extensive and daughter branches up to the 22nd order were observed. The distance between two successive branching points varied between 4 and 410 μm. A large number of boutonlike swellings were found along (59%) or at the ends of the collateral branches. At the most, 1,278 swellings originated from a single axon collateral tree. Most of the swellings were located in lamina IX, but they also appeared ventrally and dorsolaterally in lamina VII.

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