Rbin supersymmetric models

We compute the supersymmetric contribution to Rb≡Γ(Zbb¯)/Γ(Z→ hadrons) in a variety of supersymmetric models. In the context of supergravity models with universal soft supersymmetry breaking and radiative electroweak breaking we find RbSUSY≲0.0004, which does not shift significantly the standard model prediction (RbSM=0.2157 for mt=175 GeV; Rbexpt=0.2204±0.0020). We also compute Rb in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), and delineate the region of parameter space which yields interestingly large values of Rb. This region entails light charginos and top squarks, but is strongly restricted by the combined constraints from B(bsγ) and a not-too-large invisible top-quark branching ratio: only a few percent of the points with RbSUSY>0.0020 (1σ) are allowed.
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