The temperature dependence of the electronic polarizabilities of the ions in BaTiO3 is incorporated in the Slater-Devonshire theory under the assumption that the dominant contribution arises from the Oa electronic polarizability due to the large Ti-Oa overlap along the polar axis. The temperature dependence of the Oa polarizability as determined from optical data is parameterized in the spontaneous polarization, and a free-energy function for the clamped crystal is derived and compared with the (adjusted) experimental free energy. An internal check on this comparison yields (dBdT)=5.63×1015 cgs units, compared with the experimental value 4.5×1015 (B is the fourth-order coefficient in the free energy). A minimum-internal-energy calculation is performed for the clamped crystal polarized along [001], corresponding to the tetragonal phase. This calculation illustrates the role of the Oa polarizability in limiting the spontaneous polarization: Using the Oa polarizability anisotropy data, a spontaneous polarization of 59 600 esu is obtained; if the isotropic oxygen polarizability in the cubic phase is used, 667 000 esu. Similar calculations are performed for the clamped crystal polarized along [011] and [111], corresponding to the orthorhombic and rhombohedral phases, respectively. The Oa polarizability anisotropy data are used, and for the [011] calculation a spontaneous polarization of 33 300 esu is obtained. It is found that the Lorentz correction for the clamped crystal corresponding to a [111] polar axis is not large enough to support a spontaneous polarization, but that a shear of the unit cell of about 27′ is required to stabilize a spontaneous polarization along this axis.