Physiological Studies on the Cultured Trichomycete, Smittium Culisetae

SUMMARY Smittium culisetae (Harpellales, Genistellaceae), isolated from the hindgut of a mosquito larva, produced about five times as much mycelial dry weight in shaken cultures as in sationary liquid cultures at 24 C. The growth peak in a tryptone-glucose medium was reached on the 4th day, followed by a large increase in spore production up to the 6th day. Culture media kept at constant pH values produced less growth than those with unadjusted pH. Smittium culisetae grew best in a thiamine-enriched medium containing Difco tryptone; no medium with defined nitrogen sources produced comparable growth, even when a “reconstituted” Difco tryptone was used. Carbon utilization studies indicate that S. culisetae is able to assimilate a variety of carbon sources, with glucose producing the best growth.