Mechanism and Stereochemistry of the Hydrolysis of 4-Arylamino-1,2,3,4- tetrahydroquinaldines

Rates of acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of the benzylic amino group in stereoisomers of 4-arylamino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinaldines have been determined by n.m.r. spectroscopy. Those isomers which have a pseudo-axial leaving group react more rapidly than those with a pseudo-equatorial leaving group, forming in each case the isomer with a pseudo-axial hydroxyl group as the kinetically controlled product. This product is converted in time to an equilibrium mixture of the two stereoisomeric alcohols. The reaction is inhibited by excess acid and appears to proceed through an intermediate carbonium ion which is stabilized by the heterocyclic nitrogen atom.

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