Retinal projections in larval, transforming and adult sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus

Unilateral enucleations were performed on larval, transforming and adult sea lampreys. Following 5 to 11 days survival, the animals were sacrificed and the brains were processed using a modified Fink‐Heimer technique. In larvae, contralateral optic projections were found to the posterior one‐third of the dorsal thalamus, the pretectum, and the optic tectum. No ipsilateral projections were present in the larvae. In enucleated transforming and adult lampreys, degenerating axons were observed in the optic chiasm and bilaterally in the optic tracts. Retinal efferents projected bilaterally to a lateral neuropil region (“tractus opticus”) in the posterior one‐half of the dorsal thalamus. Contralaterally, a conspicuous dorsomedial cell group (lateral geniculate nucleus) also received a projection. Contralateral projections to the superficial layers of the pretectum and optic tectum were observed. Ipsilateral retinal projections to the pretectum and optic tectum in transforming and adult lampreys were restricted to a small zone at the ventrolateral margins of the pretectum and tectum. The changes in distribution of retinofugal projections during transformation appear to be occurring at the same time that the eye differentiates into its adult form.