Chloroquine Compared with Chloroquine and Emetine Combined in Amebic Liver Abscess

In amebic liver abscess we have shown that there is a higher relapse rate in patients treated with chloroquine alone than in those treated with 2 courses of emetine. A further trial reported here has been undertaken to find out whether this relapse rate might be reduced by increasing the dose of chloroquine or by combining chloroquine with a single course of emetine. Material and Methods. Diagnostic criteria and methods of selection were the same as in our previous report where they have been given in full. Forty-eight consecutive male African patients with amebic liver abscess were allotted to one of two treatment groups by random selection. In all patients the diagnosis was established by the aspiration of pus from which Entamoeba histolytica was isolated in 40 cases (83%). Further aspirations were done when indicated. The treatment schedules were: Group A. Emetine hydrochloride grains 1 intramuscularly daily for 10 days.