Regional stationary principles and regional virial theorems

If the Born‐Oppenheimer Hamiltonian operator for a molecular system is averaged over all space for electrons 2,3, ··· , N , but for electron 1 is averaged only over the volume A, with surface S, it is shown that the regional expectation value so defined is stationary with respect to change of a parameter ζ in the exact wavefunction, provided that S[(∂/∂ n1) Pζ(1,1′)]1=1′ dS1=0 , where, for nodeless ψ , Pζ(1,1′)=∫ ··· ∫ψ*(1′,2,··· , N) ψ (1,2, ··· , N) × ∂ ln[ψ(1, 2, ··· , N)/ ψ*(1′, 2, ··· , N)]∂ ζ |ζ=12 ··· dτN . Under this condition with ζ a scale parameter, a regional virial theorem is shown to hold for the volume A, in the sense previously described by Bader and co‐workers [J. Am. Chem. Soc. 93, 3095 (1971): Chem. Phys. Lett. 8, 29 (1971), J. Chem. Phys. 56, 3320 (1972); 58, 557 (1973)]. This condition differs from the corresponding condition suggested by Bader (∂ / ∂ n1)ρ (r1)=0 on S, but in most cases the surfaces determined by it should be similar to those determined by Bader's condition. Corresponding conditions for approximate wavefunctions are discussed, and illustrations are given.