Lattice calculation of the decaysBK*+γ andBs→φ+γ

A lattice calculation of the form factors that determine the ‘‘hadronization ratios,’’ such as RK* and Rφ, where RK*≡[Γ(BK*γ)/Γ(bsγ)], is presented in the quenched approximation. Lattice data shows strong evidence for the scaling law suggested by heavy quark symmetry for one of the form factors (i.e., T2). The data also gives strong support for the simple pole ansatz for the q2 dependence of T2 in the range of available q2. We thus find T2(0)=0.10±0.01±0.03, yielding RK*=(6.0±1.2±3.4)%; we also find Rφ=(6.6±1.3±3.7)%.