SARCOIDOSIS, or benign lymphogranulomatosis (Besnier-boeck- Schaumann disease), is now recognized as a relatively common clinical and pathologic entity. In extensive reviews of the subject1 by various authors the symptoms, clinical course and pathologic findings have been described in detail, so that further comment in this respect is unnecessary. In spite of the wealth of reports of cases in the literature, only four references to sarcoid in siblings have been found, all from continental Europe. Dressler described Boeck's disease of the lungs in a brother and sister2 and, in a later paper, in 2 brothers.3 In all 4 of his cases, the diagnoses were based on the benign course of the disease, roentgenologic findings in the lungs, negative reactions to tuberculin tests (except in 1 case), negative reactions in guinea pigs on inoculation, and inability to find tubercle bacilli on repeated examinations of sputum. Boggild4 reported probable