Human Papillomavirus Type 16 in Intraepithelial Neoplasia (Bowenoid Papulosis) and Coexistent Invasive Carcinoma of the Vulva

Tissues from two cases of bowenoid papulosis of the vulva with coexistent invasive squamous cell carcinoma were evaluated for the presence of human papillomaviruses (HPVs) and for nuclear DNA content. In both cases, HPV type 16 and nuclear aneuploidy were found in bowenoid papulosis as well as in invasive carcinoma. Patterns of hybridization suggested that the viral genome was integrated into the cellular genome in both bowenoid papulosis tissues as well as in invasive carcinoma tissues. These observations suggest that lesions designated as bowenoid papulosis may have invasive cancer potential. The term vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia seems to be more appropriate for HPV-16-containing aneuploid, intraepithelial lesions of the vulva.