The diagnostic status of [human] paranoia (renamed simple delusional disorder [SDD]) has been debated since the time of Kraepelin. Main views [3] have emerged that consider paranoia, a subtype of schizophrenia, a subtype of affective illness or a distinct nosologic entity. The literature pertinent to the diagnostic validity of a SDD is examined. Although the methodology of a number of the studies reviewed would not be considered rigorous by today''s standards, certain tentative conclusions can be reached. The available data do not suggest that SDD is a subtype of affective illness. The evidence reviewed also does not strongly support the hypothesis that SDD is a subtype of schizophrenia. Although some of the data is consistent with the view that SDD is a mild form of schizophrenia, the bulk of the evidence suggests that SDD and schizoprenia are distinct syndromes.

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