Simple and Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Reversed-Phase HPLC Using Monolithic Silica Columns

Simple and comprehensive two-dimensional (2D)-HPLC was studied in a reversed-phase mode using monolithic silica columns for second-dimension (2nd-D) separation. Every fraction from the first column, 15 cm long (4.6-mm i.d.), packed with fluoroalkylsilyl-bonded (FR) silica particles, was subjected to the separation in the 2nd-D using one or two octadecylsilylated (C18) monolithic silica columns (4.6-mm i.d., 3 cm). Monolithic silica columns in the 2nd-D were eluted at a flow rate of up to 10 mL/min with separation time of 30 s that meets the fractionation every 15−30 s at the first dimension (1st-D) operated at a flow rate of 0.4−0.8 mL/min. Three cases were studied. (1) In the simplest scheme of 2D-HPLC, effluent of the 1st-D was directly loaded into an injector loop of 2nd-D HPLC for 28 s, and 2 s was allowed for injection. (2) Two six-port valves each having a sample loop were used to hold the effluent of the 1st-D alternately for 30 s for one 2nd-D column to effect comprehensive 2D-HPLC without the loss of 1st-D effluent. (3) Two monolithic silica columns were used for 2nd-D by using a switching valve and two sets of 2nd-D chromatographs separating each fraction of the 1st-D effluent with the two 2nd-D columns alternately. In this case, two columns of the same stationary phase (C18) or different phases, C18 and (pentabromobenzyloxy)propylsilyl-bonded (PBB), could be employed at the 2nd-D, although the latter needed two complementary runs. The systems produced peak capacity of ∼1000 in ∼60 min in cases 1 and 2 and in ∼30 min in case 3. The three stationary phases, FR, C18, and PBB, showed widely different selectivity from each other, making 2D separations possible. The simple and comprehensive 2D-HPLC utilizes the stability and high efficiency at high linear velocities of monolithic silica columns.