Access to the agricultural market for small farmers in Southern Africa: The farmer support programme

Two recent events have led to a re‐evaluation of the appropriate approach to agricultural development in the self‐governing and independent national states in Southern Africa. First, the support and establishment of private farmers is generally emphasized in the agricultural development policies of these states. Although no clear‐cut strategies for implementation have emerged, greater attention is being given to research on the small farmer approach which is prominent in the literature on agricultural development. Second, an investigation into the financing of agriculture in the self‐governing and independent national states has recently been concluded within the system for multilateral co‐operation between the SATBVC states. The proposals emanating from this investigation also conform with the principles of the small farmer approach. The purpose of this paper is to motivate the need for a small farmer approach, and to show how the principles of this approach can be transformed into operational policy. In this regard the design of a farmer support programme is discussed.