Supine lower body negative pressure exercise during bed rest maintains upright exercise capacity

Bed rest and spaceflight reduce exercise fitness. Supine lower body negative pressure (LBNP) treadmill exercise provides integrated cardiovascular and musculoskeletal stimulation similar to that imposed by upright exercise in Earth gravity. We hypothesized that 40 min of supine exercise per day in a LBNP chamber at 1.0–1.2 body wt (58 ± 2 mmHg LBNP) maintains aerobic fitness and sprint speed during 15 days of 6° head-down bed rest (simulated microgravity). Seven male subjects underwent two such bed-rest studies in random order: one as a control study (no exercise) and one with daily supine LBNP treadmill exercise. After controlled bed-rest, time to exhaustion during an upright treadmill exercise test decreased 10%, peak oxygen consumption during the test decreased 14%, and sprint speed decreased 16% (allP < 0.05). Supine LBNP exercise during bed rest maintained all the above variables at pre-bed-rest levels. Our findings support further evaluation of LBNP exercise as a countermeasure against long-term microgravity-induced deconditioning.