Rapid and Robust Screening of the Menkes Disease/Occipital Horn Syndrome Gene

Menkes disease and occipital horn syndrome (OHS) are allelic neurogenetic disorders of copper transport associated with mutations in an X-linked gene, ATP7A. This gene encodes a copper-transporting P-type ATPase. The spectrum of mutations at the Menkes/OHS locus is estimated to include 1% chromosomal rearrangements and 15-20% large deletions, with the remaining defects involving small alterations. There is a compelling need for a rapid and reliable molecular diagnostic approach for patients and families impacted by these conditions. In addition to testing suspected affected males, carrier screening of females in Menkes/OHS families and prenatal evaluation of at-risk pregnancies will be enhanced by the wider availability of robust mutation analysis for this large (23-exon) locus. Here we describe a stepwise approach to mutation screening for these disorders that successfully identified molecular alterations in over 95% of our patient population (n = 49). This genomic DNA-based technique employs multiplex PCR, heteroduplex analysis, and direct sequencing, in a serial fashion. This approach should find application in molecular diagnostic laboratories in the United States and other countries. Currently, only a single European center provides commercial testing for unknown mutations in Menkes/OHS patients, even though these disorders occur worldwide.