Inclusive proton reactions at 164 MeV

Singles proton, deuteron, triton, He3, and alpha spectra resulting from the bombardment of Al27, Ni58, Ni62, and Pb208 targets were measured. Data were taken over the angular range 25°-150°. Most of the data were taken at a bombarding energy of 164 MeV; some data were taken at 100 MeV. The ratios of fast (>30 MeV) particle yields are p:d:t:He3:α100:10:1:1:1. The deuteron spectra fall off more sharply with exit particle energy than do the proton spectra while tritons fall still more sharply, and the fast He3 and α spectra are similar in shape to the triton spectra. Fast particle angular distributions are all forward peaked with the forward peaking increasing with increasing outgoing particle energy. Angular distributions for the different particle species are quite similar and shapes of both spectral and angular distributions are rather independent of target. Proton and alpha evaporation peaks are prominent, deuterons less so, and evaporation peaks are not apparent in the triton and He3 spectra.