Structure dependence of final-state effects in deep inelastic neutron scattering: Quasiclassical theory

Using a quasiclassical approximation, we calculate the Q→∞ limit of S(Q,ω) for finite potentials with a hard core. For y≡m(ω-ħQ2/2m)/ħQ, we find QS(Q,ω) equals a convolution of the impulse-approximation result FIA(y) with a ‘‘final-state’’ resolution function, RFS(y), which depends on the structure of the material through the radial distribution function g(r). For realistic g(r), RFS(y) has smaller full width at half maximum than the Hohenberg-Platzman prediction, zero second moment, and no Lorentzian wings. We compare with previous theoretical work, and we discuss the determination of momentum distributions in quantum solids and fluids from deep-inelastic neutron scattering data.